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建筑英才网 > 行业资讯 > 建筑行业资讯 > 2021UIA-霍普杯竞赛启动


—— 普利兹克奖得主雷姆·库哈斯担任主席

http://www.buildhr.com 2021年07月08日 11:26 来源:建筑英才网


  Thecountryside fundamentally challenges the paradigm of the architectural profession by requiring a more deeply ingrained role compared to being a city’s ‘service provider’. There might be no such thing as architecture related-information to fall back to. Rural context requires a skills set where economy, infrastructure, new and old technology, and culture have to work in unison, in order to generate new experiences. Solely mastering old arts and crafts will not bring the future that is needed.


  Workin the countryside also challenges the notion of fixed construction plans. As many of the issues in the countryside are not exclusively solvable by construction alone, it must build more on an effective combination and spatial translation of new ideas, desires, methods and reference points rather than the orthodoxies of traditional planning. Within this context, the burning of Wongding, and all its cousins around the globe, should lead to a broader rejuvenation of the village in a new and striking 21st century way of rethinking planning, heritage, beauty, value, economy, development, and purpose.


  Weask you to submit these ideas and or the best case studies examples that challenge existing planning tradition to collectively build a library of the most relevant and interesting possibilities to give a new fundamentally revised view of the future of the countryside



  Projectsshould propose new experimental planning formats and proposals in the countryside. These proposals are not limited to China and invite all countrysides across the globe.


  Theplans should show engagement with and involvement of local communities with a social, economic, and new cultural component. Ideally you work directly with locals.


  Projectsshould make use of new (digital) infrastructures in a novel way, not as a gimmick and have a relationship with popular (contemporary countryside) culture.


  Projectsshould strongly consider their own economic and ecological sustainability and address this.


  Formatfor presentation is a movie no longer than 2:00 minutes and three A1 boards. The movie and boards have a free format. Make your projects stick out, striking, fresh, exciting and engaging.


  Plans,sections, elevations and renderings can be used when relevant.


  Themovie is not allowed to show personally identifiable information. Your submission has to be subtitled in English.

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